A safe, just and equal world for women

Advance report ‘Her Story, Her Justice’

February 21, 2024
‘Her Story, Her Justice’ examines how the criminal justice system fails to respond to survivors of domestic abuse and details how the system could work better to secure more arrests, prosecutions, and convictions of perpetrators.

The shameful fact is that 96% of domestic abuse crimes do NOT result in a prosecution. Even in cases where prosecution is successful, Advance has found that survivors often receive inadequate information and protection following their abuser’s conviction.

Drawing from our expertise of working alongside the police and the criminal justice system to support survivors, we present the evidence-based solution in the Whole Justice Approach.

Analysis of Advance data shows that when the system works, outcomes for victim/survivors are markedly improved – we have seen a 51% increase in the proportion of arrests leading to charges and a 16% decrease in the proportion of unsuccessful cases based on “victim and witness evidential issues”. There has also been a 34% increase in the conviction rate of domestic abuse cases in the boroughs where Advance facilitates the Whole Justice Approach.

Her Story, Her Justice is campaigning for a raft of recommended changes that we believe will greatly improve outcomes for women who are brave enough to report their abuser.

Her Story, Her Justice is campaigning for a raft of recommended changes that Advance says will greatly improve outcomes for women who are brave enough to report their abuser.

Key to the charity’s recommendations are specific responses for women affected by domestic abuse which include:

  • Access to specialist Criminal Justice IDVAs (Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors) in all police stations or court settings.
  • Recognition and accreditation of Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts which must be rolled out nationally.
  • Access to specialist, long-term, community-based support which meets all needs of victims/survivors.
Read Her Story, Her Justice report


Media enquiries

For more information, please contact Tracie Couper, Press Officer at Advance, at tracie.c@advancecharity.org.uk or on 0743 2700 287.

Notes to the editor 
  •  1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic abuse in their lifetime. The government estimates that 1.4m women per year experience abuse.
  • Community-based support is required for 95% of women seeking domestic abuse services.
  • Advance research highlights that the majority of survivors need support outside of crisis-based accommodation, with 89% presenting with health and well-being needs and 51% reporting problematic substance use.
  • Advance employs independent advocates who provide direct one-to-one assistance to women. Many of these support workers are co-located in different services, like hospitals, police stations and housing services. This means professionals in these agencies have an on-site specialist who can work directly with women in need, respond to crises, support colleagues, and improve referral pathways to other support services.
About Advance
  • Advance’s vision is a world in which women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society. The charity works with women who experience domestic abuse to be safe and take control of their lives, and women who have committed crime or are at risk of offending to break the cycle.
  • As well as providing direct support, Advance works with statutory services, government agencies and other women’s charities to ensure a holistic approach to the issues these women face.
  • Women must be referred to Advance, via statutory services or the charity’s self-referral scheme. For more information about who Advance is able to support, please visit Get help 
  •  For facts and statistics about domestic abuse and women in the criminal justice system, as well as Advance’s work, please visit Our impact 



Front cover of Advance report 'Her Story, Her Justice'. This is multicoloured or yellow, light blue and dark blue. There are three images: A woman, the back of a police officer and The Royal court of Justice.
Pictures of five profiles of young women who feature in Advance film, 'I Love My Loud Voice'
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